Gaga Piano

Lady Gaga Piano

A friend of Hollywood Candy’s leadership, that previously handled propping for the Omaha Community Playhouse, contacted us about renting a piano for a couple of weeks. After initial prodding attempts at the piano’s use were rebuffed, we agreed and the piano went on its way. A couple of weeks passed and the piano was returned. Our team noticed that the piano was now very dirty and dusty as if it had been outside somewhere. Being a somewhat small city, it was no secret that the infamous Lady Gaga had been in town filming a video somewhere out in a rural area. Putting two and two together we reached back out to the original renter and was able to confirm that she had indeed rented the piano to assist with the production of “You & I”. A song about her Nebraska-native ex-boyfriend Luc Carl.

 (First featured @ 1:36)


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